Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Berry Patch

 Please say hello . . .

. . . to our berry patch.  It's just four little blueberry plants at the moment, but I'm planning to add raspberry canes along our neighbor's fence, and some strawberry plants around the blueberry bushes.  I'm also going to plant lupine and chervil to attract pollinators, and some daffodil and crocus bulbs, just for fun.

The berry patch may not look like much right now, but I'm pretty excited about it.  And I'm grateful that Phillip and the kids helped me with planting today.  Phillip dug the holes, then Anna and Daniel helped me mulch and water the blueberry bushes.  They also helped drill and cover the stumps of the old bushes Phillip and our friend Frank cut down a few weeks ago.  The stumps have been putting up little shoots, and we're trying to send a clear message that it's time for them to step off the stage and let someone else have a turn.

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