Saturday, September 5, 2020

Beaches and Bulbs

The weather was lovely today . . .

. . . so we took a little family road trip . . .

. . . to the seashore.  Can you spot the two lighthouses in the distance?

We dropped Joy off at a Young Women beach gathering . . .

. . . then drove along the shore admiring the view . . .

. . . before heading home so the younger kids could play with Daddy while I went to the garden store.  Every nursery in the area stocks tons of chrysanthemums in September.  Our first year here, I didn't get what all of the mum madness was about until we had our first frost, and I noticed that mums kept right on blooming while everything else was dying back for the winter.  Maybe I'll hop on the chrysanthemum bandwagon next year, but today I was shopping for . . .

. . . bulbs to plant in our front yard!  Each spring that we've lived in Littleton, I've been delighted to see cheery daffodils and crocus popping up around town, announcing that winter is finally coming to an end.  I yearned to plant some of those colorful heralds of spring in our yard once I found a good place for them, and I think I've finally found the perfect spot.  I can't actually plant them until after the first frost sometime in October, but the nursery cashier assured me that if I had waited until then to buy some, there would be none left.  It's OK--I know how to be patient. :)


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