Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pi(e) and Donuts

Today is Pi(e) Day, and we had planned to celebrate by inviting friends over to enjoy some pie and games this evening.  Alas, given the current health concerns in our state, we thought it best to cancel and just eat pie as a family tonight.  Joy was particularly sad about that, since the party was her idea, but she found another way to have fun today.

When I came downstairs this morning, I found this (illustrated) note announcing that she and Daniel were taking a scooter ride to the donut store.

I peeked out the window just in time to see them put on their gloves and helmets . . .

. . . then take off down the driveway.  I wondered whether I should let them go, since more coronavirus cases are popping up in our state every day, and two of our neighbors think they may have contracted it.  My gut feeling is that it's still safe to go to the donut store in our town, but that window of time is rapidly closing.  I decided to let my kids make a donut-run memory while they still can.

Daniel was pretty worn out after his long scooter ride this morning, so he spent the rest of the afternoon reading while I made shepherd's pie for dinner.  Then we had raspberry pie for dessert, because I love Phillip, and he loves berry pie.

Happy Pi(e) Day!

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