Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Hamster Pancake and Symbolic Headphones

Another Sunday at home.  I miss seeing and hugging our friends at church, but we're trying to make the best of things in this age of social distance.

We started the day with a family Uno game . . .

. . . then had pancakes for lunch (for some reason, we almost never eat pancakes for breakfast).  I made a tiny pancake with the last smidgen of batter, and the little pancake reminded everyone of Joy's dwarf hamster Doc.  So we decorated it with candy ears, eyes, a nose, and a tail.  Awww . . . isn't it cute?

Later in the afternoon, I noticed that Joy had left her headphones on a picture of Enos praying.  It struck me as a symbolic reminder that God hears and is mindful of us in this uncertain and stressful time.  I'm so grateful for that.

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