Wednesday, March 25, 2020

In a Silent Foyer

This afternoon, our governor announced . . .

. . . that schools will stay closed through the end of April.  None of us were very surprised by that news.  I would have been a lot more surprised if they hadn't extended the closure.

It was cold and cloudy outside this afternoon, so we decided to spend our active time playing in the church gym.

On the way in, I saw the hand sanitizer station the Acton Ward's bishop built a few weeks ago, in a valiant attempt to keep church a safe place for everyone.  The scripture reference on it is "And let all things be done in cleanliness before me."  As I walked through the church's silent foyer today, I was touched that someone tried so hard to keep church meetings going as long as they could.  I miss seeing and hugging our friends every Sunday.

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