Friday, July 13, 2018

Roses and Markers and Chips!

In case you're wondering (and maybe feeling a bit sorry for my kids), our summer vacation hasn't been all homework, lessons, and music practice.  Take today for example.

Anna started the day off with a healthy breakfast: a muffin with tons of whipped cream on it.

Then Todd got out the markers to draw "perfect letters" (which is Todd-speak for bubble letters) . . .

. . . while Anna read a book . . .

. . . and Joy drew a comic . . .

. . . which inspired Daniel to draw a comic.

After a while, I took the kids for a walk outside to smell the roses . . .

. . . then we went back in to eat an afternoon snack, which included some nuts that have been hanging around our kitchen since Christmas (I really want them to be gone before next Christmas rolls around--anyone want to come over and crack almonds with us?).

After that, I decided to be a really cool mom and take my kids on an outing to a children's museum in Baltimore.  Just one problem: I misread the museum's schedule, and we arrived five minutes before it closed.

As a consolation, I took my kids a few doors down to Subway and bought a few bags of chips for us to share.  Frankly, they probably thought that was cooler than visiting a museum.

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