Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Livening Up Music Practice

You wouldn't think music practice would be very exciting, but my kids have found ways to liven things up a bit.

Daniel (seated on a couple couch cushions, 'cuz who has phone books these days?) got tired of plinking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and decided to teach himself a two-handed song called "Musette" from the end of the beginner book.  I'm actually amazed at how well he's playing it.

Joy wasn't content to do simple bow-holding exercises . . .

. . . so she added "Dragon Slash" bow exercises, which involve lunging across the room like a samurai in battle.  As long as she's flexing her pinkie, I'm sure a dozen Dragon Slashes are a perfectly acceptable way to work her viola-playing muscles.

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