Saturday, July 21, 2018

Folding the Flag and Climbing the Wall

Members of our congregation take turns cleaning the church building every Saturday morning, and our family was part of the group assigned to clean today.  We arrived a little late, and by the time we got there the other busy bees had nearly finished all of the work.  We did at least manage to do one important thing, though:

As we and the bishop were leaving, we noticed that the American flag was still flying outside, even though the forecast called for rain.  Daddy and the bishop carefully folded up the flag and put it away shortly before rain started falling.  It felt good to show respect for our flag and the freedom it represents.

This afternoon, I took the kids and Joy's friend Sarah to the YMCA for a wall-climbing play date.  Usually it's a bad thing if your kids are climbing the walls, but as long as hand-grips and belaying ropes are involved, it actually makes for a fun outing.

You may recall that little Anna barely made it four feet off the ground when we paid a family visit to the climbing wall last year.  This time . . .

. . . she made it all the way to the top!  Go Anna!

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