Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fireworks, Tag, and Turkey

Happy Independence Day!

Daddy and the kids celebrated their freedom from tyranny and oppression with a lively game of tag this afternoon.

Ever the strategic player, Daddy concluded that simply locking the gate would be a much simpler approach than constantly running away from his pursuers.

At least until one of them decides to climb the fence.

I made a turkey feast for dinner because I felt we have a lot to be thankful for, as a family and a nation, this July 4.  As usual, the sweet potato casserole was the most popular thing on the table.  Does anything with that much butter and sugar really qualify as a side dish?  I try not to think about that question too much.

After sundown, we lit off some fireworks the kids and I bought at a fireworks stand yesterday.  I have fond childhood memories of my dad and uncles lighting off fireworks in front of my grandma's house every Fourth of July, but my kids have never had that experience because fireworks are now prohibited in most parts of drought-ridden, wildfire-prone California.  No such laws exist in green, woodsy Maryland, though.  Tonight our kids were entranced by the site of little boxes shooting up colorful fountains of sparks, and by the fun of waving sparklers that look like magic wands.

After our last sparkler had burnt out, we headed home to eat the patriotic cake Joy baked this morning.  God bless America, land that I love.  She isn't perfect (nobody is), but she is still a land of so much opportunity where we can speak our minds and pursue our dreams, and for that I am very grateful.

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