Thursday, March 21, 2024

Nibbles for the Floofy Composters

The chickens always get really excited
when they see me walk toward their tractor/coop.

They cluck hopefully,
asking whether I'm going to open the hatch . . .

. . . and sprinkle in some nibbles (AKA kitchen veggie scraps).
Our hens are first-rate composters, 
cheerfully turning carrot tops, celery ends,
and last year's autumn leaves into rich soil I can use in our garden beds.

They've also been producing more eggs than we can use,
so I encouraged Anna and Todd to try selling them in our neighborhood.
We charged $3 a dozen, and all three neighbors we visited today happily bought a carton.
It's a nice way for the kids to earn a little cash, develop more confidence,
and get to know our neighbors a little better.

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