Monday, March 18, 2024

Audrey Heppurrn

Daniel and Anna's school had a day off today . . .

. . . so while Joy and Todd were at school,
they worked on a cat puzzle . . .

. . . and generally horsed around.

It's hard not to be in a silly mood
when you're piecing together cats that look like
Audrey Hepburn and Batman.

Since the weather was very pleasant today,
we moved the bikes out of the shed
where they've been hibernating all winter,
then Daniel and Anna went for a ride.

Daddy's out of town for a few days,
so we parked the bikes in his half of the garage for now.
I'm not sure where we'll put them when he gets back.
With two cars, two motorcycles, and an assortment of power tools,
our garage is getting kinda crowded these days.

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