Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Sometimes Chickens Aren't Very Nice

A few days ago,
Joy texted me a picture . . .

. . . of a chicken wandering around our screened porch.
Reesey is still reluctant to put weight on her hurt leg,
but she is able to hobble around and she's really tired of sitting in a plastic tote all the time,
so she hopped out to take a stroll.
I sympathize that she wants a change of scene, 
but I don't want her to . . . make lots of little messes in our porch.

This afternoon, I decided to try reintroducing her to the chicken tractor run.
I sprinkled in some kitchen scraps and oats when I put her in, 
hoping that the other birds would focus on the treats and not give her grief for being injured.
Things went well for about thirty seconds, then the other hens noticed she was limping
and started chasing her around the run.

I hastily climbed in, grabbed Reesey with a towel, and carried her back to our porch.
I don't want her to be bullied, but I also don't want her to spend the next weeks
confined to a little plastic box,
or free ranging in a porch that I have to clean.

I think it may be time to build her a temporary shelter
that will allow her to safely live outside and have more room to roam around.

I already have a plan for what I want to build.
We'll see if this new project is as simple as I expect it to be.

Probably not.

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