Monday, January 29, 2024

Bigger Isn't Always Better

Our parakeets have been squabbling a lot lately,
so we decided to move Cici into the spare cage for a little while.
We thought she might be a little lonely in there,
but at least it would give Tia (and us) some relief from her constant pestering.

Well, things didn't work out the way we expected.
Cici is perfectly content in her little cage,
but Tia leaves the big cage every chance she gets . . .

. . . and spends hours parked on Cici's roof.

We hoped that meant they could resume dual occupancy of their primary residence,
but alas, as soon as we let Cici back in,
they forthwith reverted to their typical pettifoggery.

(pettifoggery n. 
1: the actions of a petty and unscrupulous lawyer;
2:  a trivial quarrel, squabble, tiff;
3: an obscure word I learned this evening,
which I have never encountered before in my life,
but which is very fun to say)

Sometimes I think birds are almost as irrational as humans.


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