Saturday, January 6, 2024

Parking the Tractor

Winter officially started a couple weeks ago,
but we haven't had much snow to speak of yet.

We're due to get a blizzard tomorrow though,
so it's time to move the bikes to the shed, the snowblower to the garage . . .

. . . and the chicken tractor to the side of the house,
where I plan to park it for the winter.

We usually don't let the chickens out of their coop until after we move the tractor,
but this time we adjusted the tractor's position while the chickens were in their run . . .

. . . and poor Reesey got her foot caught under the frame when we set it down.
She can't put weight on her hurt foot, and chickens are known to attack injured members of their flock,
so she's currently convalescing in a plastic tote bin in our screened porch.
I feel terrible that we hurt her foot (on the very last day we moved the tractor this year!),
and I pray she'll recover.

My friend who has kept chickens for years assures me that chickens are very resilient,
and there is a good chance she'll be able to walk again before too long.

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