Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Carrot Train

For tonight's FHE activity, we set up a treat train the basement.

The kids connected the tracks,
(and Daddy explained how to fix one of the loops
so it wouldn't cancel out the electric current) . . .

. . . then we loaded up the cars
with Tollhouse cookie bars, peppermint bark, peppermint almonds,
and baby carrots ('cuz that makes it a healthy activity).

Daddy carefully set the train cars on the tracks 
and connected them together . . .

. . . then he drove the train around the track,
stopping periodically in front of each of us so we could choose some treats.
After a few rounds, he let the kids have a turn at the controls.

Everyone had a great time.
We even invited the squishmallows downstairs
so they could see how much fun we were having
eating carrots (and other stuff).

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