Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Piano Lessons In Person Again

COVID numbers have finally come back down to where they were before Thanksgiving, and all of our kids are now vaccinated . . .

. . . so Daniel, Anna, and Todd were all able to go our piano teacher's studio when she resumed in-person lessons this week!  Yesterday was the first time Anna had been there in two years.

One downside to taking Daniel and Anna to back-to-back in-person lessons was that they each had to sit VERY quietly for 40 minutes straight during their sibling's lesson.  Sitting quietly isn't Daniel's forte, and the schedule doesn't leave Anna much time to practice before we leave home, so they may end up taking turns going in person each week.

All of Todd's piano lessons have been virtual since he started last September, so he was excited to finally be in the same room with his teacher today.  They even played a quick duet together. :)

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