Saturday, February 26, 2022

Animal Adventures

 This weekend, Todd's friend invited him to a birthday party . . .

. . . at a small local zoo called Animal Adventures.

The party included a tour of the zoo . . .

. . . and a chance to pet some of the animals.  Todd was reluctant to touch the first few, but he did pet the fluffy chinchilla . . .

. . . and give the baby gator a high five.

By the end, he had even warmed up to petting cold-blooded critters like this one.

The exotic animals in the zoo are all rescues who were injured or kept illegally as pets. That raises all sorts of interesting questions when you consider that they have least a dozen alligators and crocodiles.

  They named this beautiful serval Lazarus because he was so sick when he arrived that they thought he was going to die.  He somehow managed to recover is now completely healthy, but they can't return him to the wild, so he spends his time clambering around on old furniture.  His home looks like a weird mashup of "Wild Kratts" and "The Office." :)

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