Friday, February 12, 2021

Families Break Stuff

Remember the succulent plants I was so excited about last week?  This morning, the kids were throwing a toy around the dining room, and it hit my favorite succulent . . . 

. . . sheering off the top.  You know, the pretty part.  The part that grows.  I banned them from ever, ever throwing anything in the dining room again, then I went in another room and cried.  It's painful to find joy in something during a tough time, then have the source of that joy broken.  Fortunately, the Internet says that succulent will keep on growing, creating a new little rosette where the old one snapped off.  As I gratefully read that, I reflected that if you want to live in a house with a family, you have to be resilient.  Even when a family has rules and people are trying to follow them, accidents happen, things get broken, feelings get hurt . . .

The kids and my exercise ball got 2021 off to a memorable start.  Hope it's not a bad omen.

. . . Christmas trees get inadvertently knocked over* and ornaments get shattered.  It's sad when something important to me gets damaged, but it would be sadder to be alone with pristine objects that I like and no one around that I love.  I care a lot about beautiful and growing things, but I care a lot more about my family.

*Let's just say that the kids and my exercise ball got 2021 off to a memorable start.

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