Saturday, February 13, 2021

Busting Bullywugs

When there are still many new COVID cases in our area every day, it's hard to know where to draw the line with social gatherings.  When are they safe, and when do we just want to think they're safe?  Everyone has a different opinion and comfort level, and while I try to be socially responsible, every now and then I probably prioritize connection and sanity over caution.

Which is a roundabout way of saying that we had a couple friends over today.  They're experienced D&D players, and we wanted to see how they would lead or play an adventure.  And they thought that would be fun.  And we all thought it would be really nice to hang out with friends after months of isolation.  So we broke out some snacks, rolled out our friends' game mat, and busted some bullywugs.

Since every player in our family is a rookie and we had to keep stopping to look things up, the adventure took much longer than we expected.  Anna started to get antsy around the second or third hour, so she got up and did some jumping jacks to burn off some energy.

And speaking of jumping, guess whose birthday jump rope arrived today!  Daniel's having a lot of fun with it . . .

. . . but he and his sibs still like using my longer rope to jump together too.

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