Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Noble with a Rose

What has Joy been up to lately?
I'm glad you asked.
In the past couple weeks, she has . . .

. . . dressed as a very colorful noble for the Latin Club's Roman banquet . . .

. . . looked epic while searching for diamonds in Minecraft
next to her big, flickering candles . . .

. . . performed with her high school choir (she's on the left, wearing a black button-up shirt) . . .

. . . and been inducted into her school's chapter of the National Honor Society,
whose goal is to promote scholarship, leadership, and service.
The new inductees were each given a rose,
and encouraged to present it to someone who has helped them succeed.

Joy decided to give the rose to herself,
since she did all of the work to qualify for NHS.
Can't argue with that logic.

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