Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Purple Is Green

The fourth graders at Todd's school took a field trip
to the Discovery Museum this morning,
and I volunteered to help out.

I was assigned to chaperone Todd and his friends, Cary and Tyler.
Here they are recreating Da Vinci's iconic Vitruvian Man.

Fun Fact: The title "Vitruvian Man" is a reference to the Roman architect Vitruvius,
whose treatises on architecture are still studied millennia later.
He also wrote about the geometry and proportions of human anatomy,
which inspired Da Vinci's famous drawing.

Extra Fun Fact: The "Lego Movie" character Vitruvius
is named after the Roman architect,
because they're both master builders who teach students
the fundamental principles of building cool stuff.

Anywho, back to the museum.
There were lots of fun things to see . . .

. . . and quirky "instruments" to play.

The heat-image camera reminded me that my hands
are much colder than the average human's.

This simple color challenge proved surprisingly difficult.
I was intrigued to find that it's even harder for me to say the right color
when I'm looking at the Spanish words.
The Mandarin ones were easy though, because I can't read or speak Mandarin,
so all my brain sees is a colorful drawing.

The boys' favorite exhibit was the giant lever swing outside.
It's hard to say which was more fun--
using physics to lift a bunch of their classmates high in the air,
or piling onto the net swing and going for ride with their friends.

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