Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Kazoo Choir

Daniel and Anna have been practicing diligently
with the youth choir that they joined back in January.

Tonight they performed the songs they've learned
at a library up in Nashua, NH.

The singers took turns introducing each song
by reciting a fun little monologue the choir director had written.
Both Daniel and Anna got to introduce a song . . . 

. . . and play an accompanying instrument
like a cowbell or a washboard.

Many of the songs were beautiful and inspiring,
but the choir also performed some that were just plain fun,
like the "Peter Piper" tongue twister song that became crazy fast by the end,
or the patriotic song where the entire choir got to play kazoos.

It was a delightful performance, and Daniel and Anna (and maybe Todd too!)
are looking forward to learning more cool songs
when choir practice resumes after summer vacation.
We're so glad we found a youth choir
that is both challenging and fun!

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