Thursday, June 3, 2021

No More Arrows

Before I left for California . . .

. . . Massachusetts required people to wear masks inside public areas, and the grocery stores all had arrows showing which way to walk in the aisles (to minimize how many shoppers you would pass while shopping).

Now that many people are vaccinated and our COVID numbers are low and steadily dropping, the arrows are gone, and I can walk down the grocery aisles any old way I want!  I also don't have to wear a mask in the store, but as I got out of my car, I noticed a lot of people still wearing them.  I figured if they would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, I would do it as well to support them and make them feel safer.  I don't know if I'll do it every time, but it felt good to support my neighbors, and it felt good to be able to choose.

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