Sunday, May 9, 2021

Hilarious Garbage

 Happy Mother's Day!

In honor of this blessed day, my kids decided to walk home after church (we live just a few blocks away) instead of pestering me to stop chatting and drive them home.

They also prepared lunch so I didn't have to (have I mentioned that I hate preparing lunch?), and Anna made me this sweet Mother's Day card.  She tried to draw items representing all of the cooking and cleaning I do, but lamented that the pot of delicious food looks more like a trash can full of stinky garbage.  I thought that was hilarious, and I'll take a good laugh over a well-drawn pot any day.

Later in the evening, we had Mother's Day video calls with each of the grandmas.  I'm so glad my kids have two grandmothers who love and encourage the best in them. :)

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