Friday, October 9, 2020

Our Brief Quarantine

This week . . .

. . . the kids had a couple days off of homeschool . . .

. . . and Daddy worked from our basement . . .

. . . while I quarantined in my room and awaited the results of my COVID-19 test (and yes, that test is just as unpleasant as you've heard it is).  I've been experiencing mild, flu-like symptoms, and I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.  Fortunately, the results came back negative.

No one is happier about that than Phillip, because while I've been convalescing up in bed with a bunch of Harry Potter books (which I've been wanting to reread for over a decade now), he's been working full-time AND being Mr. Mom to four boisterous little Hendricksons.  He'd much rather be the breadwinner than the chef, mediator, and bedtime enforcer in our family.

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