Saturday, July 4, 2020

Science and Patriotism

Back when school was in session, Joy needed to come up with a science project for the school science fair.  She decided to study which would melt fastest: ice cream, sherbet, sorbet, or gelato.  We bought a container of each (all raspberry flavored, to eliminate as many variables as possible) . . . 

. . . then school abruptly closed, and we were left with a bunch of ice creamy stuff in our basement freezer.  We hung on to it until the school year ended, just in case we were asked to do some sort of virtual science fair, but the school didn't say anything further about science projects, so . . .

. . . we celebrated the Fourth of July with lots of red raspberry frozen yumminess, topped with white whipped cream and blue sprinkles.  How patriotic. :)

Actually, my favorite part of this Independence Day was talking with my family over dinner about the Declaration of Independence, and why it is important for us.  I'm so grateful to live in a country where our family is free to speak our minds and pursue our dreams!

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