Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eggs and Music on the Farm

We got together with some friends from church today . . . 

. . . to tour a small farm in a nearby town.  I'm so grateful that COVID-19 cases in our area have dropped to a tiny fraction of what they were a few months ago.  We still wear masks at stores and limit our social contacts most of the time, but at least our kids can get together with a few friends now and then . . .

. . . and just be kids.

E.B. White is the farm owner's great-uncle, and we got to listen to a recording of that author reading the opening chapters of Charlotte's Web.  It was fun to hear his wry intonation in the sort of rural setting that inspired his classic story.

The owner of the farm let each visitor collect an egg from her hens . . .

. . . then Anna led the girls in singing a song for her.  The woman was very impressed with Anna's poise and confidence.  Nice job, Anna!

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