Saturday, February 15, 2020

Turning Our Hearts

The Temple and Family History Committee at church planned a Valentine-themed activity tonight called . . .

. . . "Turn Your Heart."  They invited people to "bring a relative to dinner" by researching an ancestor, then bringing a photo, representative item, or short bio of the person to share.

We showed up a little early to help decorate the tables.

If you want candy hearts scattered all over your table, now you know who to call.

It was fun to learn about our friends' ancestors, like Jim's uncle, who was a professional clown.  

Picture of

I researched General James Cudworth, my Puritan ancestor who was an early settler of our new home state of Massachusetts.  He was a notable military and political leader who was stripped of both positions when he refused to show intolerance to Quakers.  His town reelected him as their militia leader anyway, and the soldiers almost rioted when the court nullified their town's decision.  James calmed the group down, and served his community in whatever way he could until his rights were restored a few years later.  At the time of his death, he was Deputy Governor of the colony.  I hope I can carry on his legacy of valuing human decency, and standing for my principles in the face of opposition. 

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