Friday, February 21, 2020

A Train Ride to Daddy's Office

Today was the last day of the kids' winter break . . .

. . . and I decided to be adventurous and take them on an outing.

Where to, you might ask?  Well, let me give you some background.  A few years ago, while we were living in California, I took Anna and Todd on a train ride to meet Daddy for lunch at his school.  Anna still speaks in rapturous tones about the time she got to go meet Daddy for pizza, and the older kids are still bitter that they missed it.

Since Phillip's current job is a stone's throw from a train station and a pizza place, I decided to take everyone on a train ride to meet Daddy for pizza (again). :)

It was a very chilly morning, and we were grateful when the (heated) train finally rolled into the station.

After a ten-minute ride over a river and through the woods . . .

. . . we arrived at the train station near Daddy's office . . .

. . . then took a short walk to a pizza place.  The pizza was OK, but I think the younger kids' favorite part was having chocolate milk with their lunch.

Daddy needed to head back to work as soon as lunch was over, but the rest of us still had a bunch of time to kill before the train arrived to take us back to Littleton, so we walked to a nearby bakery and got cake pops.  It wasn't the most nutritious outing ever, but on special occasions, I think memories matter more than calories.

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