Monday, December 24, 2018

Socks, Books, and Pastel Tissue Paper

Today was "Christmas Day One Day Early," and our kids awoke to find this festive message on their parents' bedroom door.

Call me Scrooge if you like.

At 8:00am sharp, our family gathered downstairs so Daddy could distribute the gifts . . . 

. . . and we could unwrap our treasures.  And yes, the lavender and teal tissue looks weird with the Christmasy gift bags.  Our white tissue paper went AWOL, so we're making do with what we could find.  I didn't hear a single complaint from the kids, so I should probably build a bridge and get over it.

Favorite gifts today included jerky (for Daddy), a spiralizer (for Mama), lots of books (for all the kids--thanks, Pink Grandma :) . . .

. . . Dos (a variation on Uno) . . .

. . . and socks!!!  I recently told the kids about my Uncle Ron, a perpetual joker who gleefully convinced my Cousin Eric that getting socks as a Christmas gift was a greater outrage than any three-year-old should have to endure.  My kids thought the story was really funny, so I gave Joy some of her old socks as an extra gift, then I did my best Uncle Ron impression when she pulled them out of the bag this morning.  She thought it was hilarious.  I may just have to make that gag a yearly tradition.

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