Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A Joyful Birthday

Joy has turned 12 on 12/12!  And what did she request for her birthday dinner?

Pizza! Pizza!

We had to take a little break from the birthday celebration to attend Daniel's concert with the school choir.  His third-grade group sang a couple songs at the beginning . . .

. . . then joined with the older group for a song at the end.  It was a lively song about kids hoping for a blizzard that will cancel school.

Anna couldn't resist mimicking the choir's actions as they envisioned seven feet of snow piling up outside their homes.

Back at our home, it was time to sing The Birthday Song, open presents, and enjoy the ice cream Joy requested for her birthday dessert.

I can't believe how grown up our oldest daughter is.  I'm grateful for a sweet daughter who helps her siblings, asks thoughtful questions, and broadens my horizons as she expands her own.

Happy Birthday, Joy!

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