Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Is My Son a Wolf or a Dead Fish?

Tonight our family attended our ward's monthly cub scout pack meeting . . .

. . . complete with electric campfire.

Daniel's Wolf den provided the skit, and Daniel led his den in the "Dead Fish Cheer" (the boys flopped on the floor, then lay still for a moment before resuming their skit--gotta love the weird cub scout cheers).

During the award portion of the meeting, Daniel received a couple belt loops that he earned last month.  Now we just need to get him a belt.

Once all the awards were given out, scouts and guests were invited to participate in the "Dying Cockroach Cheer" (Todd preferred to keep calmly perusing Dr. Seuss's ABC book).

Refreshment time!  The scouts were encouraged to be good hosts and let their guests choose treats first, but Joy shared one of her lemon cookies with Daniel so he wouldn't have to wait.

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