Monday, April 14, 2008

Local Garden Tour

Joy and I went for a walk today to see how some of the local veggie gardens are doing. Here's what we saw:
Ever wondered where artichokes come from? Now you know. This plant is taller than I am. At what point does a "plant" technically become a "tree"?

Scarecrow Garden has a lot of lettuce recently put in, as well as some tomatoes and a few squash plants. Their artichoke plant hasn't approached "tree" status yet, but the season is young.

Terrace Garden has some lively tomato and kale plants, and the rose backdrop adds a rather dramatic flair, don't you think?

And here's our little garden. Everything seems to be doing pretty well, and the tomato even has a few little yellow flowers already. The pot on the left is rosemary, and the one on the right is cilantro gone to seed to start the next generation.

If you look closely, you can see that our enthusiastic thyme plant has some tiny, white blooms on it. The chives on the right have some purple, puffball blooms, too, and the purple sage on the left is barely out of it's nursery pot. I hear sage is pretty hardy, so hopefully it will keep its neighbors company for a good long while.


Serena said...

Great job! We haven't started yet. We are still waiting for extra money. We can't wait though.

Jodi Jean said...

good job kimberly! i keep thinking i need to go buy me some plants and start a garden! i bet you love that rosemary, my mom does that and thyme and basil, etc. and cooks with them ALL the time. hmmmm ... might need to head to a nursrey tomorrow!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Jodi, I need to hook up with your mom and talk recipes. I have one good one that uses several of my herbs, but I need more. My supply of thyme and rosemary far exceeds the demand.