Saturday, April 5, 2008

Conference Saturday

Happy Conference Day, everyone!

Moroni was up bright and early today . . .

. . . and so were we. It was bitter cold and windy, but fortunately we found a nice corner of the Conference Center to shelter us a bit while we waited to get inside.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir provided the prelude music, which was lovely. I really enjoy Mack Wilberg's arrangement of "Praise to the Man."

Of course, once the meeting started I put my camera away like a good girl. Besides, most of you have already seen the session so it would be a little pointless to post pictures. I will say, though, that I was so grateful for the opportunity to attend the solemn assembly and be in the same room with the Prophet when we sustained him. We little imagined when we planned this trip that we would have that chance.

Of course, there are always protesters outside the Conference Center waving signs and shouting about how mistaken we are, but there was at least one sign I was happy to read. Amen, sister.

Speaking of signs, my sister who is passionate about American Sign Language discovered that our cousin Jason has also started studying ASL. She has spent most of the trip teaching him everything she knows about ASL grammar, vocab, and Deaf culture. Here she is teaching him the sign for "Jesus Christ" at our post-Priesthood Session dessert party (the Tuxedo Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory was diviiiiiiine, as always).


Jodi Jean said...

what an awesome trip, to be there when the prophet was sustained, amazing!!

Serena said...

We love cheesecake too, and signing. I had a deaf girlfriend growing up and a boyfriend who was deaf, so, I learned alot. I actually need to touch up on it again. Did you go buy yourself to Utah?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Define "by yourself."

I went with my parents, siblings, and extended relatives. Alas, Phillip had to stay home and we decided it made the most sense for Joy to stay with Grandma H (with help from Daddy).

Sheree in GA said...

Great pictures Kim. Thanks for sharing.

Sheree in GA said...

Great pictures Kim. Thanks for sharing.

Serena said...

Sorry, that's what I meant if Phillip stayed home. haha. How nice. I have never had time like that away from Alex or the kids. Savour it. hahah.

Risa West said...

i was there for the Saturday session as well. i saw the same lady with her sign. here's my lil story: we were standing in line to get into the sat. morning session when a protester came by and started shouting his message at us. the woman w/ her sign came by too and shouted over him saying "I loooove Jesus" it was awesome.