Saturday, November 17, 2007

Joy Heart Cheese

When Joy stopped nursing, the rest of her diet consisted mainly of fruits, veggies, and grains. I was at a loss how to get sufficient calcium and protein into her. Fortunately, one of the play group moms suggested . . .

. . . cheese! String cheese, specifically. I never cared for the stuff much as a kid, but I have now repented and changed my ways. Oh yeah, and Joy likes it, too. She ate a whole stick of it (broken into bite-size pieces, visible on her tray) with her lunch today. She also likes plain yogurt mixed with fruit, and I think I've found a jarred meat she'll actually tolerate. Yay!

Here I've just placed a bit of cheese in Joy's mouth. Ah, the supernal delight of dairy products!


Natalie said...

Ellie also liked cottage cheese and still does. Plain. Kaylee won't touch the stuff. Go figure.

Lisa said...

Jake loves cheese. We used fontina cheese for a recent recipe and he likes that the best. I've never seen him eat anything so fast. I guess he's got expensive taste.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

My brother Andrew is a Brie junkie. I don't plan to tell Joy there's anything beyond Mozzarella, Cheddar, and Monterrey Jack until she's ten. :)

Janie said...

Try the cottage cheese - McKay absolutely loves it and it's full of calcium and protein. Sometimes he even eats it with mixed in veggies, so you could try that too. Personally, I can't stand the stuff, but hey - whatever he'll eat at this stage!

Jodi Jean said...

hmmm ... something new to try, i know robby eats them like they are going out of style but i've never given aidan any.

he had potato salad today and a pistachio/whipcream pudding thing and was completely enjoying them. although he might have been happy to be out of the highchair and onto gr'ama's lap.

Serena said...

Yogurt is good and fun. We try all kinds, with different mixtures and creativity.

The Lind's said...

She is a doll! and is growing so quickly, as I am sure you know. She is almost 1 years old, right? Time flies. Maybe baby #2? Could be fun!