Thursday, November 2, 2023

Sith Repellent

There's an autumn chill in the air . . .

. . . and we awoke to find our yard dusted with frost.
Our chickens had never seen frost before . . .

. . . and they were a little faked out by it,
but that was nothing compared to what happened this afternoon.

I had heard that chickens like eating pumpkins,
so I offered the hens our oldest jack-o-lantern . . .

. . . which happened to be the Darth Vader one.
I can't blame them for being a little nervous 
when a Sith lord barged into their tractor,
but by the end of the day they had eaten his entire face.

Note to self: Garlic gets rid of vampires, and chickens get rid of Sith.

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