Saturday, September 23, 2023

Demolition Service

Remember that picture I recently posted
with a satellite image of a storm "punching" our state?
A nearby city named Leominster received a ton of rainfall that day,
and the resultant flooding damaged many people's homes.

Anna and I joined members of our stake this morning
to help residents recover from the flooding.
We tore out wet a bunch of soggy drywall to prevent mold and rot
while the homeowner arranges repairs for her basement.

It was hard work . . .

. . . and we were pretty tired by the end . . .

. . . but we loved working together to help a very grateful woman
who had felt overwhelmed by the scope of what needed to be done.
It would have taken her days to finish
what our group accomplished in a few hours.

After the service project wrapped up,
Anna and I headed home to do some to do some baking
because today is the first day of fall . . .

. . . also known as the start of pumpkin cookie season!

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