Friday, October 28, 2022

Call Me the Party Taxi

When it was time to leave for the church "Trunk or Treat" party tonight . . .

. . . Princess Leia was ready to go . . .

. . . but Daddy was still helping Daniel finish his costume,
and the other kids hadn't even figured out what to wear.

I drove Anna to the party, then came back for Daniel.
He and Daddy had actually finished the costume a few minutes earlier,
but the humongous box wouldn't fit in Daddy's sedan.
Minivans, for the win!

After I dropped off Daniel, I planned to just go home and put my feet up,
since I had a bit of a cold and didn't feel like partying much.
However, when I walked in the door, Joy asked if I would give her a ride too. 
She had decided to skip costumes altogether and just wear a fancy hat while she passed out candy.
Joy later came home with a few treats people had given her,
including this Reese's ghost with a Holy Ghost scripture taped to it.
If junk food comes with an inspiring message,
does that make it good for you?

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