Thursday, August 25, 2022

A School Tour and Amateur Fashion Design

The first day of school is just a couple of weeks away.
We bought all of our school supplies last week, 
but there are a few more things we want to do before the big day.

 Joy is using her digital art skills to explore school outfit color combos
that fit the vibe she's going for.

It's kind of fun to look over her shoulder
and try to guess which of her shirts and accessories
she's playing around with.

Anna's been a little nervous about navigating middle school for the first time,
so she gratefully attended today's tour for the incoming sixth graders.
Daniel already knows his way around the school,
but he came along for fun and to give his sister some helpful pointers.

Middle school has a reputation for being a rough stage of life,
but I find most of the teachers in our school to be
enthusiastic, experienced, and encouraging.
They're just the sort of guide I'd want on a challenging journey.

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