Saturday, October 30, 2021

Trunk or Treating on a Dark and Drizzly Night

 It's Trunk-or-Treat time, folks!

Here's Anna the Baker posing with her brothers, Red Bomber and Yellow Bomber.

I thought it was cool that so many adults dressed up too.  I wore a fun mask, but after seeing my friends dressed as Cleopatra and Ms. Frizzle, I think I may try something more elaborate next year.

After the games, I took a picture of Anna . . .

. . . and Daniel (sans Red Bomber head) at the photo booth . . .

. . . then we headed out into the drizzly night to trunk or treat.  I handed out our family's treats whilst sitting in our van's trunk, so the hatch could shield me from the elements.

Then the kids went home and traded candy, because the only thing better than a big haul of treats is a big haul of your FAVORITE treats!

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