Monday, November 2, 2020

Celebrating Day of the Dead with the Old Eagle

After we finished homeschool for the day . . .

. . . and Eddy helped me study the scriptures . . .

. . . Anna helped me decorate our family's traditional . . . 

. . . Day of the Dead gingerbread!

This year, we talked about my Grandpa Sorenson.  He earned the nickname "The Old Eagle" when he was a mission president, because he was a commanding figure who always seemed to know what was going on and what to do about it.  He is a shining example to me of both high standards and great love.  Recently, when I was having a tough day, I looked at his picture on our wall and I could almost hear him say, "You can do this, Kimmy."  And suddenly, I found that I could.  Thank you, Grandpa.


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