Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Leaf Piles and Rollerblades

 Today is election day, so school was cancelled.  I'm not sure whether that is because our town is very civic-minded, or because they use the schools as polling locations.  Possibly both.

Either way, the kids made the most of their time off.  The oak trees in our yard have shed tons of leaves lately, and the kids gathered them into a big pile . . .

. . . so they could run and jump in . . .

. . . with varying degrees of grace.

This afternoon, Joy went rollerblading out front . . .

. . . while Anna rollerbladed inside.  She still feels a little unsteady on rollerblades, so she prefers to skate on a surface that isn't as hard or slippery . . .

. . . where there is a couch to crash into if you need one.

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