Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Where the Wild Things Are

When we moved into our new house, there was a big plant growing next to the deck.  I wondered what it was . . .

. . . and I became even more curious when it started producing lots of flower buds.  What could they be?

The answer: Beautiful, pink hibiscus blooms!

Speaking of natural wonders, the kids and I went to a nature show at the library this evening.  The speaker taught us lots in interesting things about opossums . . .

. . . Burmese pythons (my dad would have shuddered all through that part--he hated snakes) . . .

. . . and something called a kinkajou (which looks like a cross between a monkey and a lemur).

It was fun to see exotic animals at the library, but it's also fun to see them around our home.  One of the cool things about living next to marshy woods is that we see all sorts of wild creatures you wouldn't run across in a city.  Things like a bunny nibbling the lawn, jewel-toned dragonflies, and this little frog we discovered in our back yard last week.  I may not find them so heartwarming in the future when I have to defend a vegetable garden from some of them, but for now, I love that we seem to see a new bug or other creature every single day.

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