Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Summer School at Home

This summer, I'm once again asking my kids to do a little writing each day, to keep their minds sharp until school starts again.

Todd is doing his writing by hand, but the older kids decided to do an ongoing creative writing project on computers.  They've made journals in Minecraft, and they're recording their adventures from a fictitious character's point of view.

Joy has also volunteered to teach her siblings a short class every weekday.  She's learning firsthand what every seasoned parent knows: trying to teach young, distractible children is like trying to herd a dozen cats.

Once she switched from abstract principles to an interesting science experiment, the younger kids were a lot more focused.  It was fun for everyone, but we'll see if Joy has the fortitude to teach a different lesson every single weekday for the rest of summer vacation.  Also, you might be tempted to assume that Joy wore her Minecraft periodic table shirt because it's Science Day, but that's purely coincidence.  She'll probably wear it on Social Studies Day next week.

Later in the day, the kids went on a short walk to exercise their muscles and their powers of observation.  For example, can you guess which of these two apartments has a gardener living in it?

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