Saturday, May 25, 2019

When Luna Met Salleeey

The swimming pool in our apartment complex is open again for the summer, so we took a family trip to Target to buy new swimsuits for the kids (since they've grown out of their old ones). 

On the way out of the store, we spotted a spiffy pink scooter, and the girls asked me to take their picture with it.  Anna struck a sassy pose, and Joy . . . waved an empty hanger.  I don't know why.

Our next stop was a store called Five Below, in search of . . . 

. . . squishmallows!  Luna has been a source fun but also a fair amount of contention, since she is one delightfully squishy toy among four kids. We decided that if three additional squishmallows would create more harmony in our home, that would be $15 well spent.  Luna was joined today by Lilli the Kitten, Salleeey the Unisus (Or is it Pegacorn? What do you call a horse with both a horn and wings???), and Globey the Elephant.

The kids are really happy to each have their own cuddly squishmallow . . .

. . . and they've been having lots of fun with them. :)

Joy assembled this photo to demonstrate that the new squishmallows have been accepted into our toy tribe.

On a different note: We've heard that Kimball Farm in a neighboring town makes phenomenal ice cream.  Phillip and I went on a date tonight to verify that rumor, and we can confirm that their ice cream is quite good indeed.  It's also very rich, so next time we'll just get one cup and share it!

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