Friday, April 5, 2019

The Festival of Cheese

This afternoon . . .

. . . I picked Todd up from preschool on the "2ND FLOOP" (take a close look at the writing on the door) . . .

. . . then we drove half an hour north to New Hampshire for the "Festival of Cheese."  Basically, a grocery store set up a dozen sample tables, and we could taste over 30 different varieties of cheese free of charge.  At least, it's free if you can resist buying some of the yummy things you try.

Todd and I sampled everything from camembert to brie to gorgonzola.

Me: Should we buy the mascarpone or the cranberry goat cheese?
Todd: Both!
Me: Sounds good.

Todd is very persuasive.

We arrived back in Littleton just as the older kids were coming home from school.  When we told them about the cheesy festival we'd been to, they wanted to visit it too.  We all piled into the van, and I drove out of state for the second time in one afternoon.

It was fun to show the big kids our favorite cheeses (and warn them about the extra sharp provolone), but by the time we had visited three quarters of the tables, we were all cheesed out.

Fortunately, one of the sample distributors started packing up for the day, and asked if we wanted the baby carrots he'd been using as decorations.  After all the salty, savory tidbits we'd been nibbling, some fresh, crisp carrots were a very welcome change.

We then bought some herb garlic cheddar to bring home and share with Daddy.  He agreed that it was very tasty indeed.  Just wait until he tries the mascarpone on vanilla wafers.  Nom nom nom!

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