Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sledding with the Girls

Our school district has a winter break in February, so the kids are home for the week.  When school's out and there's fresh powder on the ground, the girls can't wait to go sledding.

A neighbor told us about a nearby park with an amphitheater, where you can sled down either side of the big, semicircular hill.  Joy and Anna sledded for an hour, until Anna's thin boots started getting wet and cold.  We need to get that girl some snow boots.

Sometimes Joy would stand on Anna's sled to keep it from sliding while her little sister got situated.  I'm glad our girls help each other and have fun together.

After they had been sledding awhile, the Joy and Anna persuaded me to go down the hill a few times with them.  It was the most fun I've had in a long time.

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