Remember back in fall when I planted a garden, then struggled to keep it from being dug up by squirrels? Well, this is what it looks like as spring approaches.
The kale and green onions are flourishing, as are Joy's turnips and wheat. We'll see if the tiny carrots get big enough to eat as the weather warms up. Oh, and those straw bales? Someone in my gardening book group told me that well-watered straw bales make great "containers" for veggie plants because they retain moisture well and break down into compost. You're supposed to water them for two or three weeks before you plant seeds or plants in them, so I bought them yesterday to get them ready for spring planting in a few weeks. I'm very curious to see if my plants do as well or better in the bales, or if the squirrels show less interest in the straw bale garden.
Meanwhile, indoors, I noticed something creepy among my African violets.