Sunday, March 13, 2016

TOFW and PhD

My mom, my sister, and I headed to Long Beach this weekend . . .

. . . to attend Time Out For Women.  I enjoyed hearing from the uplifting speakers.  Their topics varied, but the consistent take-home message for me was that God will gladly provide guidance uniquely tailored to your circumstances if you sincerely ask for it.

I also really enjoyed hearing music by Mercy River (though, for some reason, I only photographed two of the three singers; nothing personal Brooke--I like you, too).

I lost count of the times we bumped into friends and family from around Southern California (great to see you, Aunt Connie!).

And, on an unrelated note, my husband received a rather important document in the mail this weekend.  Way to go, Sweetheart!! :)


Rachel Culmer said...

It's amazing how much gets done for that piece of paper.

Fun girls outing with your mom and sister.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

No kidding, Rachel. After all that work, I feel like he should get a parade or something. :)