Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Send-off Party

There are a lot of student families in our ward, and many of them will graduate this month and move on to new homes in new towns. Today a bunch of us gathered at the park to give the graduates a big goodbye party.

There was a pinata (use the Force, Joy) . . .

. . . and Anna nearly ate her weight in potluck chips . . .

. . . then we tossed around our Frisbee (which we subsequently left at the park--sigh).

At one point someone called all the departing families together for a group picture, and I wasn't sure whether we should be in it or not.  We think we'll be done with school this summer, but even if that happens Phillip may get a job in this area and we might stay in the very same apartment building we've lived in for our entire marriage.  I chose to join the photo group, just in case.  We'll see what the next few months hold.

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